Putney, South West London SW15
+44 7799 776332

Vegan and Vegetarian Diets

Registered Nutritionist specialised in digestive health and plant-based diets

The research is with us
plant-based, vegan and vegetarian diets are the most beneficial for health

With the rising popularity of vegan and vegetarian diets, there is now much research behind its use. Whilst there remain some concerns about potential deficiencies, it is clear that deficiencies don’t always occur. There is some level of adaptation by the body, where lower intakes of some nutrients leads to a more efficient absorption to avoid deficiency.

What I consider to be the most interesting findings in current research on plant-based diets is to what degree a vegan or vegetarian diet is protective against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, and plant-based diets have consistently been found to be protective, for instance in a large meta-analysis from 2016, significant protective effects were seen against heart disease and cancer. 

There is no escaping it… from an environmental, sustainability or from a health perspective, plant-based is the way to go. Saying all of this, as a long-term nutritionist, I am completely non-judgemental when it comes to diet; my clients make their own choices. Vegan and vegetarianism is not for everyone. However i do recommend that my clients transition to some degree, for instance using an 80:20 rule; that 80% of the time they follow a plant-based diet, and the other 20% of the time they allow themselves some meat, fish or dairy products. 


I have created vegan and vegetarian mealplans for many 
gourmet food and diet companies

I have had a long standing interest in plant-based diets, since age 11. I have studied these diets in great depth; my masters degree thesis was on the use of a plant-based diet to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

I worked for the Pure Package in 2014 creating meal-plans which were compatible with vegetarian and vegan diets, and since then I have created numerous meal-plans for the application BetterMe, and other diet and supplement companies. If you need help formulating a healthy vegan or vegetarian diet for you and/or your family, then you are in the right place.

Some Top Tips

Here are some tips to help you and your family transition to a plant-based, vegetarian or vegan diet. If you wish to go further, I would be delighted to help; I have helped many individuals, and families with specialist diets.
I provide guidance drawing on scientific research rather than observation studies; I will tell you what current research shows us in terms of potential deficiencies, and how to avoid these. I can also guide you from experience. 


Start by transforming half of your meals to plant-based versions. There are many ingredients that mimic meat for recipes like bolognaise. 


The dairy industry is just as cruel as the meat industry, and dairy is simply not a healthy food for everyone. It is a very common allergen, and malabsorption is common. Try any of the numerous plant-based milks on the market, but get one that has calcium added.


Plant-based eating starts with adding more plants and vegetables to your diet. The way to avoid deficiencies is to ensure that you eat a wide range of plants. So try some new vegetables, pulses or grains. Make sure you add some nice herbs or sauces for flavour.


Get your kids excited about plant-based foods by having them log their intake at the end of the day. Aim for 6 to 8 varieties of plants, vegetables, fruits and pulses.

Contact me for nutritionist approved meal-plans to help you on your journey

I have prepared meal-plans for the renowned gourmet food company, The Pure Package, as well as BetterMe, MiniWeight, The pHamily, and other diet and supplement companies. I am very experienced in creating delicious menus, with easy and quick to prepare meals, that provide all your required nutrients.