Putney, South West London SW15
+44 7799 776332

Digestive Health

Registered Nutritionist specialised in digestive health and plant-based diets

Digestive Health

To put it simply, your gut is the powerhouse of your entire body, responsible for absorbing nutrients, fueling your immune system, and ensuring proper brain function. Unfortunately, so many suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), digestive disorders like Crohn’s Disease, IBD, and food intolerances, experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms along with headaches and fatigue.

The root cause of these conditions is multifactoral, and in some cases is unknown, however a specialised three-phase medical elimination diet called the low FODMAP diet has proven to be very effective for many cases, provided it is executed correctly. For those who do not benefit from this approach, comprehensive food intolerance testing can help identify specific trigger foods which can then be omitted, or stool analysis can be used to find out if there is a bacterial imbalance present in the gut which could be exacerbating the issue.

I can help you to restore your health and wellbeing and to find a dietary pattern that works for you, freeing you from these uncomfortable symptoms. Sometimes you only realise the extent of your symptoms once they have disappeared. 

Address the Root Cause

Your symptoms can offer insight into the root cause of your digestive issues, and drawing on my experience spanning more than a decade as a nutritionist and almost twice that as a dietary therapist, I can help you to identify and link symptoms with potential underlying causes. 

Some common symptoms are:


Bloating can occur soon after eating, or it can build up gradually during the day.


Bowel symptoms like constipation or diarrhoea are common; as is the alternation between the two extremes.


Certain foods can trigger symptoms of bowel discomfort leading to fear of mealtimes. 


Brain fog is a very common symptom of digestive issues, in addition to anxiety, poor sleep and skin issues.


I work with the top laboratories when a
deeper insight is required

Sometimes it is helpful to undergo diagnostic testing to provide a deeper insight and to inform our strategy for optimising your health status; this method often leads to faster results.

I work with Genova Diagnostics, Cyrex Labs, Invivo Clinical, Cambridge Nutritional Sciences, MyDNA Health, BioLabs and others. 

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